I'm not just thinking about a simple lamp with a switch on it, either. When the light is off, well, enter as you must and at your own risk (as usual). Or so I thought - until an ambitious and slightly crazy-seeming idea popped into this juicy old noodle o' mine: What if I had an "ON AIR" light of sorts - a bulb that'd sit outside my home office door and light up whenever I'm in the midst of something that can't be interrupted? It'd serve as a signal to everyone that the greasy wildebeest within should not be disturbed whilst the light is lit.
Whether you're new to working at home or a basement-dwelling veteran like yours truly, it's an unavoidable part of the equation. Invariably, that's the moment when your pint-sized progeny, your significant other, or your top-secret live-in marsupial will decide to bounce into the room singing a song or making adorably weird wallaby noises (as my three-year-old frequently likes to do). Or maybe you're recording a podcast - or even appearing live on a national news program (look at you!). Maybe you're having a videoconferencing call with a particularly important client. No matter how quiet and flexible 90% of your day may be, the Perfectly Timed Interruption never fails to find that one moment when you really just can't be disturbed.
If you’re on the lookout for a stylish, cross-platform third-party calendar app that works on the desktop as well as mobile, then Sunrise is the perfect fit. Support for Google Calendar, plus its expansive support for social networking sites means you’ll never miss a birthday, lack essential contact details or have trouble finding your way to a meeting again.If you're working from home and anything like me right now, you may be familiar with a little something I like to call the Perfectly Timed Interruption. Can display contextual information from Facebook, et al.Sunrise say an Android app is on the way and Exchange Calendar support, already supported in the iOS apps, will be added to the Chrome App in due course. This lowers the barrier to entry for those of us heavily invested into Google already. I particularly appreciate the use of smart icons to make identifying specific types of ‘event’ easier at a glance:įrom showing a Skype logo next to scheduled calls, coffee cup for a social event and a phone icon for a phone call - smart icons are a small addition that make a huge difference.Ĭalendars can be colour coded to help separate work and play, while two choices of view (month and week) and a search feature mean it’s easy to drill down on a specific timeframe or type of event.īest of all, Sunrise supports Google Calendar sync both ways. It also features automatic timezone detection, reminders, recurring events and is able to display both maps and directions and weather forecasts for locations. Twitter – See last tweet of person you’re meeting.The application, which only launched on iPad back in January, is described as a ‘smart calendar’ as it is able to pull down information from social networks and select web services to populate ‘events’ created with additional information, including: The gorgeous calendaring tool, which supports both Google Calendar and iCloud account backends, features a light and spacious design, innovate social integration and a host of little flourishes to help you get organised.
After impressing on the iPhone and iPad, stylish calendar app Sunrise is now available on the desktop through Google Chrome.